The first month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Muharram, holds great significance among Muslims worldwide. It is a time for reflection, remembrance, and renewal of faith. 

Muharram The Month Of Allah

One intriguing aspect often arises during this sacred period is the question: “Why is Muharram called the Month of Allah?” 

This article explores this query by examining historical evidence and religious teachings illuminating the divine connection between Muharram and Allah. 

Unearthing the Truth: How Did Muharram Earn Its Title as ‘Month of Allah’?

Muharram is called the month of Allah because it holds great significance in Islamic history and is considered sacred. 

It is the first month of the Islamic calendar and marks the beginning of the new year for Muslims. The name “Muharram” itself means “forbidden” or “sacred,” highlighting its importance.

One of the main reasons Muharram is called the month of Allah is due to the commemoration of Ashura, which falls on the 10th day of this month. 

Ashura holds immense religious significance as it marks various historical events, including Prophet Musa’s (Moses) liberation from Pharaoh’s tyranny and Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Imam Hussain’s martyrdom at Karbala. 

These events serve as reminders of sacrifice, justice, and standing up against oppression, all highly valued qualities in Islam.

Moreover, Muharram is a time for reflection, self-purification, and seeking forgiveness from Allah. Muslims engage in fasting and prayer during this month to strengthen their relationship with God and seek His blessings. 

By dedicating an entire month to Allah’s remembrance and worship, Muharram serves as a reminder to prioritize spirituality and lead a life aligned with Islamic principles.

Key Points

  • Muharram is considered the best month after Ramadhan and gains honour and respect from Allah.
  • It is called Syahrullahil Muharram, the month of Allah, and is given the highest honour.
  • Fasting in Muharram is considered second only to Ramadan in terms of virtue.
  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasted regularly in Muharram and was especially concerned about fasting on the day of Ashura.
  • Muharram is considered one of the most sacred months and is severed from all others.

Why Is Muharram A Sacred Month

Muharram is considered a sacred month in Islam for several reasons. Firstly, it marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar and holds historical significance as it was during this month that the Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina. 

This migration, known as the Hijra, marked a turning point in Islamic history and symbolized establishment of the first Islamic state.

Additionally, Muharram is also significant because it is during this month that Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad. 

The Battle of Karbala took place in Muharram, where the forces of Yazid brutally killed Imam Hussain and his followers. This event serves as a reminder of sacrifice and resistance against oppression, highlighting the values of justice and standing up for what is right.

Furthermore, Muharram is a time for reflection and self-reformation for Muslims. It is encouraged to engage in acts of fasting and charity during this month to purify oneself spiritually. 

Many Muslims also participate in processions and gatherings to mourn and pay homage to Imam Hussain’s sacrifice. Overall, Muharram holds tremendous significance due to its historical events and serves as a reminder of essential values within Islam.

Conclusion Points

Summary: Muharram is a sacred month in Islamic history and marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. It is called the month of Allah due to its significance and the commemoration of Ashura. 

Ashura represents important events of sacrifice and standing up against oppression. Muharram is a time for reflection, fasting, prayer, and seeking forgiveness from Allah. 

It serves as a reminder to prioritize spirituality and live according to Islamic principles. Fasting in Muharram is highly valued, second only to Ramadan in terms of virtue.

In conclusion, Muharram is known as the month of Allah for various reasons that hold immense significance in the Islamic faith. It marks the start of the Islamic calendar and is a time for reflection, repentance, and gratitude towards Allah. 

The historical events during this month, particularly the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS), further emphasize its sacredness and serve as a reminder of the sacrifice and standing up for justice. 

Observing Muharram allows Muslims to strengthen their connection with Allah, seek forgiveness for past wrongdoings, and strive towards self-improvement.

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